Cinque, the starting point. Happy Birthday, Memesi.


Cinque, the number.

The transitional stage to tomorrow, symbolizing evolution.
This number embodies the human plane and perfection in an exemplary way: that is why we decided to permeate 2022, the fifth year of Memesi, with the centrality of people through our values.

Cinque, aspire to the future.

We'll continue to design with passion and quality, according to our ethical and sustainable principles. Passion that allows us to aspire to the ideal transposition of "beauty", understood as the driving force of our everyday life: beauty not as a property of the thing, but of the perceptive state, which inhabits the sensations.

Beauty as a value, from idea to perception.

Memesi, the origin of ideas.

We have identity and character, without being cumbersome. Our neutrality allows us to give power to others identity, without letting our own prevail. A subtle, almost superstitious approach: every result, success and goal we've achieved has been a healthy spur, just as much as the failures and falls, so that we can grow as people as well as professionals.

Five, the starting point: not the end.
Reflections, perspectives. Sometimes close, sometimes distant.
This year we dedicate it to you, to us, to everyone.

Giulia and Luca, Co-Founders